
Morrow Meadows


Corporate Safety

August 26, 2021

Corporate Safety Director Bradley Caldwell addresses the OSHA Safety certifications and their role in Morrow Meadows’ hiring and training practices. https://www.ecmag.com/section/your-business/red-flag-warning-osha-10-and-30-do-not-satisfy-standard-training-requirements

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Employee Veterans

November 11, 2020

Follow the link below to view a video presentation celebrating our dedicated Employee Veterans. https://morrowmeadowscorporation-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/bvelasco_morrow-meadows_com/EQNRZ8QmCUBMpiUlZd–OzcBtdL7F7m4Ss3n2rTLRiUfYQ?e=iQ9FXy

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John Harriel Testifies on Capitol Hill

February 27, 2020

John Harriel was invited by the Honorable Karen Bass, 37th Congressional District, Chairwoman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and 最新色情影片land Security to testify before the Committee on the issue of Returning Citizens: Challenges and Opportunities for Reentry.聽 The committee is working on meaningful federal legislation that will address the very real needs […]

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New Professional Engineers at 最新色情影片 Corporation

Morrow Meadows Corporation is pleased to announce that two members of our in-house engineering team have passed the California Professional Engineer鈥檚 licensing exam. Michael Wei and Daniel Rizo, pictured above (left to right), have 23 years and 12 years, respectively in the Electrical Engineering field.聽 Michael and Daniel are important members of our Design-Build team.聽 […]

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PDE Total Energy Solutions to Join the 最新色情影片 Family

January 15, 2019

We are very excited to announce that we have completed plans to acquire Pacific Data Electric, Inc., dba PDE Total Energy Solutions (PDE).聽 PDE will continue to operate under the new name of PDE Total Energy Solutions, a division of 最新色情影片 Corporation.聽 The transaction is anticipated to close in February 2019.聽 The acquisition of PDE […]

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John Harriel Promoted to Diversity Manager/Superintendent

November 6, 2018

A basic premise of our Company Philosophy is to treat people fairly.聽 We are proud to support our employees in their efforts to make a difference every day, whether it be on the job or in their own lives and community.聽 We also recognize the benefits our company has realized over the years in providing […]

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